Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Executive Assistants by Sonia Brown

Despite our problems, we go to work every day
I don't know what drives us, surely not the pay!

Often no lunch,other meetings we must plan
We're off to make copies, and find flights to Japan!

"I only need five minutes with your boss" we all hear
We know they never mean it 'cause then they take all year!

We schedule each meeting with precision and care
Then pray, "Lord, tomorrow please let it still be there!"

The impossible we're given to create what's not
A four-hour meeting in a two-hour spot!

We seek no recognition, corner office or fame
We're happy with a laptop and tickets to a game!

We're unique, we're different, no talent we lack
We're Executive Assistants and you can't beat that!

Treat Your Mother Right

Treat Her Right

High class entertainment, just for you.

Common Sense Is Uncommon

COMMON: occurring or appearing frequently.
COMMON SENSE:  sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.

It is a common perception that an administrative assistant does common tasks.  By the definition given above, the tasks an admin does would appear or occur frequently.  However, employees in the workplace do not frequently organize their projects and calendars and LIVES; they leave it to their administrative assistants.  Admins answer the phones more often than others in an office.  They give training on both hardware and software used in an office more often than anyone else in the office.  Therefore an admin's behavior is NOT common behavior for someone who is not an administrative assistant. 

The skill set required for a good admin includes advanced organizational skills which extend to various environments (technical, social, and environmental), courtesy exercised commonly (occurring frequently), and communication skills for interpersonal interaction as well as training.  The tasks s/he participates in require a certain skill set in behavior/skills UNCOMMON to other workers.  To re-phrase, those skills are UNCOMMON for other workers, but COMMON for admins.

In the work world, employees who have certain skills required for a specific job are paid commensurate to those acquired skills.  An accountant, for example, can acquire employment over someone who has NOT acquired the skills needed, when the skills needed are accounting skills.  Since an accountant has those skills, the compensation to that person would be expected to be more than for a position of employment which does not require specific skills.

Again, good admins possess uncommon skills.  Therefore, it is common sense  that a good admin should make more money, commensurate to the uncommon skill set they possess and exercise daily.  However,  it is uncommon for someone with power to decide to pay their admin better.

Therefore, most people with power do not exhibit common sense.

(We'll tackle the respect issue another time.)